Safelist By Address (Profile Required)
Keywords: SBA, Safelist by Address, Safelist Profile, Profile
Summary: Describes the Safelist By Address profile requirements.
Safelist by Address

If your community has enrolled in our Safelist By Address (SBA) program, each Safelist within the community must be completed by logging in to a pre-configured Safelist Profile.

When a community elects to enroll in our SBA program, a unique Safelist Profile is pre-configured for each address within the community.

Once the Safelist Profiles have been created, letters are sent to each property owner within the community, containing a unique Activation Code which can be used to activate their specific Safelist Profile via our website.

* Owners of rental properties are asked to forward SBA activation codes to their tenants.

Once activated, all Safelists for a given address, regardless of vehicle, are assigned to that Safelist Profile, and Safelist eligibility will be determined based on the Safelist parameters of the community and the Safelist history of that specific Safelist Profile.

Haven't received your SBA Activation Code?
If your community has enrolled in our SBA program and you have not received the introduction letter containing your Activation Code, please contact your Community Manager. Your Community Manager may re-issue your introduction letter.
Created by Patrol One Administrator on 10/4/2012 9:35:29 AM
Last updated by Patrol One Administrator on 10/4/2012 9:52:36 AM